MegaMan Zero: Rise of the Nightmare

Hey, people, ready for a fanfic of the best MegaMan character ever? Well, check it out!

Disclaimer: Unfortunately, I don't own Zero... Besides, if I did, then the MegaMan Zero series would never have ended the way it did... (Why did Zero have to die? T_T)

Chapter 1: The Return

One year after the defeat of Dr. Weil and the supposed death of Zero…

“Everyone, scour the area! We need to find something that will allow us to bring him back!” one of the soldiers shouted. “Remember that his Control chip is mandatory for his revival! Dr. Ciel ordered this personally, so it must be done!”

The soldiers of the Resistance were scrambling about the wreckage of the battle. Everywhere, they searched, looking for pieces of their long-lost hero, Zero.

“I FOUND SOMETHING!” one of the soldiers exclaimed, holding up a broken helmet. “It’s… It’s Zero’s helmet!”

The other soldiers rushed towards the area. They were anxious to make sure that Zero could be revived.

“EVERYONE, OVER HERE!” a voice said. The troops all looked in the direction the voice had come from, revealing the stern face of Harpuia, the Guardian. “Let me see the helmet.” The soldier that was holding the remains walked up to the green-clad warrior, who took the helmet from him. “Hmm… Zero… To live or to die… Years ago, I would have found that question hard to answer…” Harpuia looked inside the base of the remains, and pulled out a datachip. “Take this to Dr. Ciel, our work here is done.”

Harpuia bent over, noticing one other crucial thing on the ground. He reached down, and picked up the white handle of the Z-Saber. “He’s going to need this when he wakes up…”

At the Resistance Base…

Ciel was pacing around her lab. She was anxious to see Zero again. Harpuia had called in an hour ago, saying that they found the control chip, as well as the Z-Saber, which meant that Zero could be brought back. Upon hearing this, Ciel was overjoyed, and Ceravu rushed off to his own lab to start putting the finishing touches on the new body for the hero.

Essentially, she was a wreck. For the past year, she had been thinking about the red Reploid every day. She still had research to complete, but she still worried about the most important person in her life. She waited… In the Commander’s Room, by the Trans Server, an alarm sounded, notifying them of an incoming transfer. Harpuia and his task force appeared in a flash of white light.

“Transfer complete.” The Operator stated.

“All right, get the Control Chip to the maintinence lab on the double!” Harpuia commanded. “The sooner we revive him, the better off we’ll all be.”

Ciel ran up to the Sky Lord. “Is everything ready?” Harpuia asked. Ciel merely nodded. “Fefnir and Leviathan will be overjoyed…”

“Yes…” Ciel replied. “And so will the rest of the world…” the researcher smiled warmly and ran to Ceravu’s lab.

Inside the laboratory, a familiar body was in the process of being reconstructed in the maintinence pod. The Reploid scientist worked enthusiastically as Ciel entered the room, followed soon after by the Guardians of Neo Arcadia.

“So, are we ready to go?” Ceravu asked. He held out an eager hand.

Harpuia looked at Ceravu with his usual smirk on his face. “Indeed we are.” With that, he held the Conrol Chip out for the scientist to take.

Ceravu looked the chip over, knowing full well what was going to happen once he put it in. Without a moment’s hesitation, the chip was inside the body, and the helmet was on.

Zero’s eyes opened in an instant. He sat up as quickly as possible.

“IRIS!” he screamed.

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